
There is little place for maverick spirituality in the teachings of Jesus. The Christian life is all about living out our faith in the context of community. At Park Drive Church one more way we are exploring this experience is by putting together various groups of people who function not in a hierarchy of power but side-by-side as a team.

Lead Team

Comprised of the Pastors and the elected board members, the lead team seeks the Lord together for overall church direction and aims to lead by example in all things. We really believe that the growth and direction and health of a church is not one man’s responsibility, but should be the joint leadership strength of a team.

Prayer Team

Adding strength and support to all areas of the church, especially in congregational prayer and in leading prayer gatherings. This team is always open for new members to join who are interested in growing in the grace of praying for others.

Welcome Team

If you should happen to visit Park Drive Church on any given Sunday chances are one of the first people you’ll meet will be a member of the Welcome Team. They may soon know you by name, and they are eager to learn something more about your life. Their goal is to help you connect with the rest of the church in a way that makes you feel valued and important.

Music Team

For those who want to serve God and His church by the musical gifts He’s given them there is ample opportunity among one of our music teams. Musicians are grouped together in comparable styles and abilities to lend their lives to leading the congregation in worship. All teams share in regular intervals on Sunday mornings.